Andersen Consult Newsletter Q1 2015

Dear All,

2015 is well under way and we are all busy. As usual, we started our year head on with business delegations and this time to Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar. Three bustling nations with multiple business interest for our clients. We were on the lookout for good business opportunities as well as to investigate existing ones, to study, learn and expand. More on these three issues below.

At Andersen Consult, our cluster approach is paying off in terms of creating a strong method for smaller companies which are, individually, less likely to get started in the new economies where they otherwise have a brilliant future. We are seeing very good results from our investments into the creation of strong and flexible technology and training teams, which can manage any challenge within their concerned area of business, jointly. This focus will continue and we will develop more clusters in market areas where we can convincingly demonstrate healthy business opportunities to the participants.

We are continuously working to upgrade our services and we will soon be launching a revised homepage which will present the advantages of working with us and becoming member of our large and highly experienced client network. A network which provides to any newcomer the advantage of quick access to new opportunities. Also, a vast pool of market knowledge and a welcoming forum for sharing of knowledge, client access and market penetration tactics. And, not least, our own well tested and proven project development approach.

With this, 2015 has been kick started in good form, and we are certainly looking forward to the coming challenges.

Lars Siggaard Andersen

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Vellykket landeseminar om Vietnam med DASN

Dansk-Asiatisk SMV Netværk havde et brag af et landeseminar i sidste uge. En helt masse dygtige virksomheder var mødt op til landeseminar om Vietnam.


A Conversation with President Obama

Repræsentanter fra Andersen Consults Asiengruppe deltog i ”A conversation with President Obama” i Skive


Besøg af Marokkos Ambassadør til Danmark i Aalborg

Aalborg var tirsdag den 7. juni vært ved Marokkos ambassadør til Danmark, hendes Excellence Ambassadør Khadija Rouissi.

Want to Know More?

Interested in knowing more about your international business opportunities? How to identify and start up new export channels? How to finance your project? Contact us by clicking the button below.