
Vellykket landeseminar om Vietnam med DASN

Dansk-Asiatisk SMV Netværk havde et brag af et landeseminar i sidste uge. En helt masse dygtige virksomheder var mødt op til landeseminar om Vietnam.


A Conversation with President Obama

Repræsentanter fra Andersen Consults Asiengruppe deltog i ”A conversation with President Obama” i Skive


Besøg af Marokkos Ambassadør til Danmark i Aalborg

Aalborg var tirsdag den 7. juni vært ved Marokkos ambassadør til Danmark, hendes Excellence Ambassadør Khadija Rouissi.


Danish Fishing Technology Cluster tilbage i Filippinerne

Et dansk samarbejde mellem syv virksomheder genoptager arbejdet med at overføre teknisk assistance og viden om pelagisk fiskeri til Filippinerne.


AndersenNews #3

Dansk-Asiatisk SMV Netværk planlægger 2022.


Stig Vagt-Andersen, R1, modtager hædersbevisning af HM Princesse Sirindhorn

Thailand, Muek Lek. Stig Vagt-Andersen har utrætteligt støttet op om thailands Dairy Promotion Organization (DPO) og deres udvikling af en mejeriindustri.


AndersenNews #49

Året går på hæld, og vi kigger tilbage på året der gik.


AndersenNews #48

I dette nyhedsbrev kan du bl.a. læse om, hvordan eksportgruppen afsluttede deres forløb med Løvens Hule.


AndersenNews #47

Læs mere om deltagernes store begejstring til filippinsk landeseminar i DASN.


AndersenNews #46

I dette nyhedsbrev kan du bl.a. læse invitation til landeseminar om Filippinerne.


AndersenNews #45

Læs bl.a. om besøget af den filippinske ambassadør her på Aalborg kontoret.


AndersenNews #44

Afholdelse af første landeseminar i Dansk-Asiatisk SMV Netværk.


AndersenNews #43

Eksportbussen kørte til den filippinske ambassade i København.


AndersenNews #41

Læs mere om vores besøg på Danfish-messen i Aalborg.


AndersenNews #40

Læs mere om vores besøg på HI-messen.


AndersenNews #39

Læs her hvad netværksaktiviteter har af betydning for din eksportstrategi


AndersenNews #37

Læs mere om hvordan du kan sikre tilskud til dine eksportmedarbejdere og netværkets besøg hos Migatronic A/S.


AndersenNews #33

EAFC-gruppen byder velkommen til nye medlemmer.


AndersenNews #32

Netværket besøger Uni-Food Technic og eksportgruppen mødes til 2. seminardag.


AndersenNews #27

Nyt marokkansk konsulat i Aalborg


Marokko åbner konsulat i Aalborg

Andersen Consult repræsenterer Marokko som konsulat i region Nordjylland.


AndersenNews #25

Læs mere om lanceringen af Dansk-Asiatisk SMV Netværk.


AndersenNews #24

DASN inviterer til kick-off event og EAFC-gruppen mødtes til netværksmøde med fokus på udvikling og vækst.


AndersenNews #23

Eksportgruppen er kickstartet.


AndersenNews #20

Markedsdag med fokus på Marokko


Stærkt fremmøde til Marokkoeksport-event hos Guardian-srm

Tirsdag den 18. maj afholdt Andersen Consult et Marrokkoeksport-event i samarbejde med Guardian-srm og den Marrokkanske ambassade i Danmark.


AndersenNews #17

Andersen Consult er partner i nyt Dansk-Asiatisk SMV Netværk


New business network to help Danish companies navigate Southeast Asian markets

Danish-Asian SME Network


Eksportgruppe; fokus på vækst i Asien

Ny eksportgruppe m. fokus de mange vækstmuligheder i den asiatiske region.


AndersenNews #10

Læs mere om ejerledergruppen, East Asia Frontier Club.


AndersenNews #7

Læs bl.a. om den store succes, som EAFC-medlemmet, K.M. Fish Machinery har formået at have under corona-pandemien.


AndersenNews #3

Andersen Consult inviterer til deltagelse i ny eksportgruppe.


Sommerhilsen fra Andersen Consult

Industrien står over for mange overvejelser i den kommende tid og Andersen Consult glæder sig til at understøtte processen. Vi ønsker alle en rigtig god sommer.


Innovative Flood Prevention in Vietnam

Climate change is making flooding worse in Vietnam, but thanks to the Cold Flood Barrier, a solution is now at hand.


AndersenNews #34

90 % succesrate på mødebooking gennem netværk fremfor kanvas. 7 nye netværksarrangementer i efteråret.


AndersenNews #33

Læs om stærkt samarbejde mellem to premium-medlemmer, mød 5 nye medlemmer og læs om netværkstur til Kroatien.


AndersenNews #32

Invitation to B2B morning match in Aalborg on September 13 as well as new member to member posts.



Back in Business after the Summer Holiday ready to do business for our network members. Our newsletter is now launched in Danish.


AndersenNews - Week 27

This week, you can read about the financial support IFU can assist you with along with the news about the trade and investment agreements between EU and Vietnam. Lastly, we send out our summer greetings.


AndersenNews - Week 26

This week, you can reread some of the highlights from Q2. Furthermore, you can see the most recent b2b members.


Andersen Consult is Seeking Green Technology for Innovative Climate Change Projects

Andersen Consult is seeking companies with green technology for innovative climate change projects.


AndersenNews - Week 25

This week, you can read about our upcoming networking event on Funen and Zealand. Furthermore, Andersen Consult is seeking green technology to climate change projects.


AndersenNews - Week 24

This week you can read about a new unique product from one of our premium members. Additionally, you can read about the key points from our latest networking event hosted by Holtec Automatic A/S and 2M Ståldesign ApS.


AndersenNews - Week 23

This week, you can read about Andersen Consult's trip to Bangkok this week to participate in networking events with the regional Chambers of Commerce. Furthermore, you can read about what contract Andersen Consult just signed.


AndersenNews - Week 22

This week, we remind you about our upcoming networking event on 12 June at jointly hosted by Holtec Automatic and 2M Ståldesign. Also, we announce our first networking event on Sjælland in November jointly hosted by JS Ventilation and Cool Ceiling.


AndersenNews - Week 21

This week you can read about one of your newest premium member colleagues. Also, Andersen Consult and B2B visited Asia House to learn more about the Philippine market and to meet the new Ambassador in Denmark. And last, we have been in Poland meeting potential clients for our members.


AndersenNews - Week 20

This week, you can read about how one of our premium members employs the network in order to enhance his company's recognition. We also invite you to participate in the upcoming networking event.


AndersenNews - Week 19

Read about how two of our premium members join hands in the name of climate oriented marketing. You will also find the checklist of services you will get as a premium member of AndersenB2B.


AndersenNews - Week 18

This week, you can read about the ambitions from one of Denmark's automation partner, Holtec Automatic A/S. We also invite you to participate in our Germany market focus group and our upcoming networking event hosted jointly by Holtec and 2M Ståldesign.


AndersenNews - Week 17

This week we have facilitated our B2B networking event which was hosted by Kemi-Tech ApS in Hedensted. You can read about the what was shared and debated. Our EAFC group also met this week at Hirtshals Yard.


AndersenNews - Week 15

Read about the fantastic development Chem-Tec Plating A/S has experienced the last year. Also, you will find the final call to participate in our networking event this month. And lastly, an Easter greeting to all.


AndersenNews - Week 14

This week, you can red about how NORNA PLAYGROUNDS A/S secures their further development by expanding the owner group with active investors. You will also find an invitation to our upcoming networking event.


AndersenNews - Week 13

This week, we highlight some of the news we have presented in the first part of 2019.


Invitation: Danish Fishing Delegation to Morocco

Invitation for the business delegation to Morocco


AndersenNews - Week 12

Read about our participation in this years Crans Montana Forum in Dakhla, Morocco and the clear message from Morocco. Also, you can read about your Duty of Care responsibility when having employees travelling to emerging markets.


AndersenNews - Week 11

This week, you can read about the success one of our member companies are experiencing. Also, we invite you to our next networking event and finally you've got new network colleagues. Read the newsletter and find out who.


AndersenNews - Week 10

Read about our networking event held at Asia House last friday. The networking event had the framework 'Doing Business in Morocco'. In this week's newsletter, we are launching our two new market focus groups. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in knowing more.


Discovering Business in Morocco: Danish Business Delegation and Moroccan Culinary Experience

Andersen Consult invites you to participate in this event where you will learn about the business opportunities Morocco offers. The event includes culinary experiences from Morocco which you can enjoy while networking.


AndersenNews - Week 9

In this week's newsletter, you can read about the partnership between AndersenB2B and ScandAsia to increase our members' recognition in Southeast Asia. You will also find last call to our Moroccan fisheries delegation in March 25-29, 2019.


AndersenNews - Week 7

This week, you can read about the wine tasting and networking event regarding the Moroccan market. The newsletter also includes an invitation to the FOWT 2019 conference and a presentation of your new B2B network colleagues.


AndersenNews - Week 6

This week, you can read about our next event which involves wine tasting and discussing how to do business in Morocco. You will also find an invitation for our upcoming business delegation to Morocco along with a message from the Danish Ambassador in Rabat.


AndersenNews - Week 5

This week, you can read about our latest networking event hosted by Global Tours in Aalborg Airport. You will also find information about the Africa Market Group which will be launch in the first quarter of 2019.


AndersenNews - Week 4

AndersenB2B invites you and your collaborating partners to participate in our networking event hosted at Global Tours in Aalborg Airport. Furthermore, Andersen Consult and the Danish Embassy in Rabat invite you to participate in the Danish fishing delegation to Morocco in March. Read more in this week's newsletter.


AndersenNews - Week 3

In this week's newsletter, you can read about the Asia market network group, EAFC, yearly market visit. This year, the focus market was on Thailand. The group met with DanThai Machinery Co., Ltd. to get an insight of both the opportunities and the challenges there are when doing business in Thailand.


AndersenNews - Week 2

We wish all of you a happy and prosperous new year! This week, you can read about a Danish fishing technology cluster and our upcoming networking event at Aalborg Airport.


AndersenNews - Week 51

In this week's newsletter, you can read our Christmas greeting. We look back on the past year and wish all of our clients and collaborating partners a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


AndersenNews - Week 50

This week, you can read about the evolving of AndersenB2B which now have reached 200 member companies. That means new new network colleagues for you together with an increased opportunity to connect with new suppliers, clients and collaborating partners.


AndersenNews - Week 49

In this newsletter, you can read about the intro meeting we were hosting regarding our Africa Market Group. Also, you will find an invitation to our next business delegation to Morocco in 2019.


AndersenNews - Week 48

Read about the good news from our member company JS Ventilation A/S who has secured their first order in Bangladesh. You will also find a last call notice regarding our upcoming Africa Market Group and information about this years advent calendar.


AndersenNews - Week 47

This newsletter highlights the newest networking event conducted this week, the collaboration between our international interns and member companies as well as the invitation to Africa Network intro meeting.


AndersenNews - Week 46

Read about our premium members and the success regarding establishing meetings between them, our new upcoming African network and digital export.


AndersenNews - Week 45

Financial Support + We're in the Market + Networking Event + Meet New Members


AndersenNews - Week 44

Lots of activities in the network this week. Successful briefing at Danske Bank on business opportunities in ASEAN. New mini market cluster focusing on Germany.


Informationsmøde vedr. nyt Afrika-Netværk

Med 54 markeder, over 1 milliard mennesker og væksttal der imponerer år for år, er dansk eksport og involvering på det afrikanske kontinent ikke tydelig nok. Det skal der ændres på, og det skal vi hjælpe hinanden med.


AndersenNews - Week 42

Read how you can benefit from a premium membership at AndersenB2B and read what our current members say about the network.


AndersenNews - Week 41

Our newsletter this week is full of news related to our upcoming network events. Read about the upcoming Executive Briefing with Danske Bank.


AndersenNews - Week 40

Get financing for your market development activities, read why Ronaldo stays in Herning and meet also the newest B2B members.


AndersenNews - Week 39

Participate in the SDG Accelerator, last call for networking event on Oct 11, Booming opportunities in Morocco and the Philippines and new article published.


AndersenNews - Week 38

Read about our next networking event, our market discovery tour to Hungary and the new SME programmes launched by Væksthus Midtjylland.


AndersenNews - Week 37

A week full of networking events, new relations and projects. Read about our event at TRECO A/S, our visit to Morocco and Export Day in Odense.


AndersenNews - Week 36

We will be in Morocco and the Philippines the following two weeks, do you need assistance? 16 member companies will meet at the event next week.


AndersenNews - Week 35

New matches and meetings are facilitated between B2B members, new feature at and last call for the networking event at TRECO A/S.


AndersenNews - Week 34

Get information about our new Africa Network soon to be launched. Meet also 10 new member companies from the network.


AndersenNews - Week 33

Sign up for our three upcoming network events and read about the opportunity to get expertise on Hungary, Brazil and Canada.


AndersenNews - Week 32

Read about our networking event at TRECO A/S with the EAFC group and access our invitation to the Morocco delegation.


Andersen Consult Featured at

Andersen Consult was recently featured at, the regional news provider on Nordic businesses in Asia, after Lars Siggaard Andersen's platform presentation in Bangkok.


AndersenNews - Week 31

Read about our upcoming delegations and a successful match between two of our member companies.


Celebrating Morocco's National Day

This week, we were invited to celebrate Marocco’s national day at the recidence of Ambassador Mrs. Khadija Rouissi. We discussed among others, our business delegation to Marocco later this year.


AndersenNews - Week 27

We wish you all a fantastic summer with the last edition of AndersenNews before the summer holidays as well as a throwback to the first half of 2018. Read also about IFU's investment record.


AndersenNews - Week 26

Read about our successful networking event this week as well as two upcoming business delegations to Hungary and Morocco.


AndersenNews - Week 25

We are personalising the Digital Network with New Updates and brings in this newsletter an interesting case from the Philippines.


AndersenNews - Week 24

Last call for next networking event, safe IT related costs with Blue IT and read about our participation in Automation Day last week.


AndersenNews - Week 23

Read about two new funding opportunities, new B2B campaign and our upcoming presentation of the network in Cambodia and Thailand


AndersenNews - Week 22

Join the next networking events in DK and Thailand. Read also about the nordic business opportunities in Cambodia.


AndersenNews - Week 21

Read how you can reduce your costs with DAN Industrial, access our new presentation video, and join Egatec's Automation Day'18


AndersenNews - Week 20

Read about the concrete results from our previous network event and how to benefit from being in a cluster with other SMEs.


Kemi-Tech and Hydrofoss - First Order Secured after Participating in our Networking Event

After participating in our networking event in April, Hydrofoss A/S and Kemi-Tech ApS have agreed to establish a cooperation regarding cleaning of Kemi-Tech’s chemical wastewater.


Fruitful Meeting with the Moroccan Embassy in Copenhagen

This week, we were meeting with the Moroccan Embassy in Copenhagen, H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Khadija Rouissi and Counsellor Mr. Ali Hajji welcomed us at the newly refurbished Embassy in Hellerup.


AndersenNews - Week 19

Read how you can benefit from having an AndersenB2B premium membership as well as new business opportunities in Morocco.


AndersenNews - Week 18

Get introduced to one of our newest B2B members, DS-Wollenberg and learn more about the Andersen Team.


New Strategic Cooperation with NordCham Cambodia Continues its Networking Outreach and Welcomes Cooperation with Nordic Chamber of Commerce Cambodia.


AndersenNews - Week 17

New strategic cooperation with NordCham Cambodia and new photos from our event on employee motivation and leadership.


Successful Networking Event on Motivation and Leadership

Today we faciliated our networking event at HMK Bilcon on Employee Motivation and Personal Leadership with great success.


AndersenNes - Week 16

This week, you can read about our new cooperation with DanCham in Thailand easing partnerships between SMEs in Denmar Danish and Thailand.

19.04.2018 and Danish Thai Chamber of Commerce Launch Cooperation to Bring Danish and Thai SMEs

We are proud to announce that as of today, is launching cooperation with Danish Thai Chamber of Commerce with Director Michael Andersen at the helm.


AndersenNews - Uge 15

The newsletter is now launched in Danish. Read about our networking event with EAFC, new order from Morocco to FabricAir and last call for our event on April 25.

06.04.2018 and NordCham Philippines Launch Cooperation to Bring Danish and Philippine SMEs Clos and NordCham Philippines now announces their cooperation which brings each others' memberships and networks closer together.


AndersenNews - Week 14

Read about our new cooperation with Nordic Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines and meet two new B2B members.


AndersenNews - Week 12

Read about our visit to Manila, new sustainable business model at Lyngsøe A/S and our visit at FoodExpo in Herning.


AndersenNews - Week 11

New pump for the maritime sector successfully tested by JS Proputec, upcoming event on Employee Motivation and Leadership, welcome to 2 new B2B members.


AndersenNews - Week 10

Read about our next networking seminar, upcoming delegation to Morocco and request for Danish equipment from Bangladesh.


AndersenNews - Week 9

Read how to benefit from your membership and how to receive DKK 250,000 for your internationalisation process outside the EU.


AndersenNews - Week 8

Ampliqon has signed new contract with Moroccan distributor, Book meetings with your B2B colleagues and meet 5 new B2B members signed up at the platform,


His Royal Highness Prince Henrik has Passed Away

On behalf of all our AndersenB2B members, the Andersen Consult team offers its condolences to the Royal Family.


AndersenNews - Week 7

Access our condolences to the Royal family, 53 replies from the network, 3 new projects uploaded and webinar invitation from Danske Bank.


Three Chinese Companies Searching for Danish Suppliers and Partners

In collaboration with Innovation House China-Denmark, we have been informed about three Chinese companies in the agriculture, chemical, waste management and environmental fields looking for Danish know-how.


AndersenNews - Week 6

Read about new funding opportunities, more projects to Morocco and a great offer from Lean Landing.


Valuable Export Experiences Shared between B2B Members

A high spirited experience and knowledge sharing B2B member event took place at Gardin Lis in Randers on Wednesday.


AndersenNews - Week 5

Read about our networking event in Randers and presentation at Asia House's business forum in Copenhagen.


AndersenNews - Week 4

Read about opportunities in Cambodia and Brazil as well as participation in Industrial Supply in Hannover.


AndersenNews - Week 3

Read about Cambodian business opportunities identified, four new B2B members and last call for networking seminar.


AndersenNews - Week 2

1. DIC Group - Not a Regular Welding Workshop 2. Lange PR Secures 3.9 Million Contract 3. New Report on Danish Export: Germany is No. 1


AndersenNews - Week 1

Happy New Year + invitation to our network seminar on January 31.


AndersenNews - Week 51

Read about the new AndersenB2B features, predictions for international E-commerce in 2018 and Christmas greeting from the Andersen team.


E-commerce Expected to Invade Global Trade in 2018

Read about the predictions and digital trends for the global trade in 2018.


AndersenNews - Week 50

Read about the next AndersenEvent and highlights from the past year.


AndersenNews - Week 49

Read about AndersenB2B Advent calendar, positive feedback from the latest delegation and IFU investment news.


AndersenNews - Week 48

Read about new B2B member, successful funding application and focus on a new market.


AndersenNews - Week 47

Meet four new B2B members and read about new upgrade on AndersenB2B soon to be launched as well as our business delegation to Cambodia almost good to go.


AndersenDelegation to Cambodia Almost Good to Go

14 companies have signed up for participation on this Danida Business Delegation supported fact finding mission to Cambodia for Danish companies.


AndersenNews - Week 46

Read about the next AndersenB2B network meeting, B2B member acknowledgement and new HR project planning tool developed by B2B member.


AndersenNews - Week 45

Support to Myanmar projects, B2B members succes in Bangladesh and new projects uploaded on the platform.


AndersenNews - Week 44

Read about the Morocco business delegation, the development of a new device for trawl fishing and the acknowledgement of B2B member.


AndersenNews - Week 43

Morocco delegation ready to kick off and member news concerning Norleg A/S.


Successful DanFish 2017

High spirits, game changing equipment and some of the most innovative players in the maritime sector. DanFish International is taking place this week in Aalborg with full speed. 


AndersenNews - Week 41

Read about the successful DanFish International and EAFC network day in Esbjerg.


AndersenNews - Week 40

Read about the sales of B2B member DAFI Tropicdane and the Danish Export Day.


AndersenNews - Week 39

DanFish International and Danish Export Day coming up.


AndersenNews - Week 38

Read about B2B member IFU, member event in Copenhagen and the new CETA-agreement.


AndersenNews - Week 37

Read about new IFU interaction with Danida Business Finance and upcoming business delegations


AndersenNews - Week 36

Market focus on Morocco and grant funding helps B2B members to grow


AndersenNews - Week 35

Invitation to business delegation and funding for your projects.


AndersenNews - Week 34

Upcoming business delegations and B2B member news.


AndersenNews - Week 33

Share your export experiences with your network colleagues and read about trade delegations i 2018.


AndersenNews - Week 32

Business is back on track after the Summer Holidays.


AndersenNews - Week 27

Access AndersenNews Week 27


Andersen Consult delegation leads to first order for Ampliqon in Tanzania

Ampliqon A/S participated on our Danida Business Delegation to Tanzania in September last year with the purpose of identifying a new distributor of its PCR enzymes. This week, the first delivery from Ampliqon A/S has reached Dar es Salaam and the new distributor.


Andersen Consult is looking for a new intern

We are a consultancy firm based in Aalborg working with export, internationalisation and funding on behalf of Danish small and medium-sized companies. We need more hands to solve some of our tasks in the second half of 2017.


AndersenNews - Week 26

Access AndersenNews week 26


Strong B2B Partnership Secures Norwegian Orders

K.M. Fish Machinery and Hirtshals Yard have initiated a reference based partnership where they are forwarding clients to each other.


AndersenNews - Week 25

Access AndesenNews week 25


Kemi-Tech ApS increases focus on Southeast Asia

Kemi-Tech ApS and its owner, Nikolaj Harter, ends his first fact finding mission in Southeast Asia this week and states “this region is an absolute must. We have to get more businesses out here, lots to do for anyone”.


AndersenNews - Week 24

Access AndersenNews week 24


AndersenNews - Week 23

Access AndersenNews week 23


Invitation: Danida Business Delegation to Morocco

Meet new potential clients and key players, establishment of export opportunities, business partnerships and/or export activities within Sustainable Solutions for the Food Processing Industry.


AndersenNews - Week 22

Access AndersenNews week 22


AndersenNews - Week 20

Access AndersenNews week 20


AndersenNews - Week 19

Access AndersenNews week 19


AndersenEvent Invitation: Export Financing & Networking

AndersenEvent Invitation: Export Financing & Networking


AndersenNews - Week 18

Access AndersenNews week 18


AndersenNews - Delegation to Dhaka

Access AndersenNews - Delegation to Dhaka


AndersenNews - Week 17

Access AndersenNews week 17


AndersenNews - Week 16

Access AndersenNews week 16


AndersenNews - Week 14

Access AndersenNews week 14


AndersenNews - Week 13

Access AndersenNews week 13


AndersenNews - Week 12

Access AndersenNews week 12


AndersenNews - Week 11

Access AndersenNews week 11


AndersenNews - Week 10

Access AndersenNews week 10


AndersenNews - Week 9

Access AndersenNews week 9


Danida Business Delegation to Bangladesh

Invitation Danish companies to the business delegation


Another successful business delegation completed by Andersen Consult

2017 started off with a business delegation to Vietnam along with 10 Danish companies looking for business opportunities in the Vietnamese market. We are happy to inform that most participants were able to connect to local companies and are now looking to develop and grow their export engagement with a Vietnamese partner.


AndersenNews December 2016

Christmas is upon us... - And it is time for a well deserved break for everyone 2016 has been another active year for Andersen Consult. Highlighting especially our two business delegations to the Phillippines as well as to Nigeria and Tanzania. Our cooperation with Business incubator Mid Denmark’s export competence building DALGAS programme, active training activity to boost export readiness and strengthen existing talents. We have worked closely also with the maritime programme MARCOD with a


The First Order is Secured after a Successful Trade Mission to Tanzania

From 18-22 September, a number of Danish companies participated in an Andersen Consult developed Danida Business Delegation to Tanzania organised in close collaboration with the Danish Embassy in Dar es Salaam. The companies visited Tanzania to identify new opportunities, potential clients, distributors and business partners. And what a success – the first deal is already closed and two fresh business partnerships are being formed less than a week after returning to Denmark.


AndersenNews October 2016

We are well underway with our new digital export platform, the only one of its kind in Denmark, The purpose of this platform is to let its users get exposed to professional foreign companies interested in buying Danish equipment, solutions and knowhow. Or, to identify a Danish partner with which to develop market opportunities jointly. The platform has reached more than 60 members within a few months and we are getting more members by the week.


AndersenNews August 2016

We hope everyone are re-charged and ready for the challenges in the coming five months. In the regional emerging markets, where we are focussing our attention, things are moving faster and faster. Read more in the newsletter.


Q2 Newsletter Out

We have just released our Newsletter for the second quarter. Content includes outcome from the delegation to the Philippines and Nigeria with more.


Business Delegation to Tanzania

Andersen Consult is arranging an actionpacked business delegation to Tanzania. This time we focus on business opportunities in the food and fishing sectors as well their complimentary industries. We are providing direct access to a very attractive market in East Africa. *Become a member today*.


Filippino B2B partner is now looking into Europe

Fisherfarms, an AndersenB2B partner in the Philippines that we met during a business delegation to Manila in January, is now successfully initiating its exports of milkfish to European markets.


High Demand for Danish Technology in Asia

This morning, the Danish newspaper Jyllandsposten published an online article stressing the need for Danish technology in Asia. According to Jyllandsposten, the 10 ASEAN countries have an annual growth of 4-5 % which means a fast growing middle class and high demand for new equipment, knowhow and technologies.


Grow your business - Agro & Food Delegation to Nigeria

Andersen Consult invites Danish SMEs to participate in a business delegation to Nigeria - one of the fastest growing markets in Africa offering market opportunties for Danish companies. The sector focus of the delegation is agro, food and processing technology.


Valuable country-report on Vietnam

Charting Economy™ has recently published a useful country-report on Vietnam. The publisher, Charting Economy™, cooperates with governments and private organisations to promote investments into Vietnam.


Danish Interest in Bangladesh Increases

According to the Bengali newspaper Dhaka Tribune and the Commercial Counsellor of the Danish Embassy in Dhaka Soren Robenhagen, Danish businesses are keen to invest more in Bangladesh.


"Welcome to the Philippines, how can we cooperate"

Read about our succesfully conducted fishing technology delegation to the Philippines last week with 16 participating Danish companies. By organising an action packed programme, Ambassador Christensen welcomed the delegates to a business environment we can only dream of in Denmark.


AndersenNews January 2016

Thai-Danish Chamber of Commerce article on the Andersen Consult Food & Food Processing Technology Delegation to Myanmar and upcoming Andersen Consult delegations


Great News for Shrimp Importers

According to the Bengali newspaper The Daily Star, EU has recently eased the rules for shrimp export from Bangladesh. With the new rules, the Bengali exporters are no longer required to attach analytical reports with their shipments.


AndersenNews December 2015

At Andersen Consult, we have again this year had a busy time developing individual projects for our clients and preparing and launching new business delegations to exciting and potential markets. This year we conducted business oriented delegations to Vietnam and Myanmar, and we joined HM the Queen and HRH the Prince Consort’s state visit to Indonesia. We are ready for the next business delegation to Manila, the Philippines.


Invitation to Business Delegation to the Philippines supported by Danida

In close cooperation with the Danish Embassy in Manila, Andersen Consult invites Danish companies to participate in a business delegation to the Philippines. The focus of the delegation is fishing, fishing technology, seafood processing and all related technologies.


Andersen Consult’s Participation in the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2015

Meanwhile Andersen Consult conducted its food and food processing technology delegation with 14 participating Danish companies in Myanmar last week, Andersen Consult participated in two exciting entrepreneurship events as well.


AndersenNews November 2015

Andersen Consult participated along with 61 other Danish companies on the first ever Danish State Visit to Indonesia by HM the Queen and HRH the Prince Consort. Brilliantly organised by the Danish Embassy, Ambassador Casper Klynge and his team.


AndersenNews October 2015

Supported by Danida's Business Delegation programme, we are inviting for participation in Food and Food Processing Technology Delegation to Myanmar 15-20 November, 2015. The objective is export of processing equipment and export and sourcing of food products as well as semi finished and raw materials.


Invitation til fødevarer og procesteknologi delegation i Myanmar

I november afholder Andersen Consult en eksportorienteret delegation til Myanmar indenfor fødevarer og procesteknologi. Skal du med?


Danish Export Opportunities due to Ghanaian Energy Crisis

According to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ghanaian consumption of energy increases by 12 % annually. Ghana has a massive demand for foreign investments able to solve the current energy crisis.


New Market for Danish Aquaculture in Malaysia

New article from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the increasing market within aquaculture in Malaysia.


Andersen Consult Newsletter

We are very happy and proud to announce the launching of our new Andersen Consult website. Please take a tour on ANDERSENCONSULT.COM, and if you have any comments, kindly let us know. Your valuable inputs are our development hints.


Andersen Consult Newsletter Q2 2015

Summer is upon on us, and it is time for a well deserved break. At Andersen Consult, the first six months of 2015 have been busy with business delegations to Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam and a long list of individual tasks.


Thai Dairy Mission to Denmark

In the beginning of June, representatives from the Thai Dairy Association (DPO) visited Denmark. The programme included visits to the Danish Agriculture & Food Council, Thailand's Embassy in Copenhagen, S. A. Christenen & co, AU Foulum, Kold College, Poul Tarp A/S and VikingGenetics.


Visit by the Indonesian Ambassador

Indonesian Ambassador, Prof. Dr. Bomer Pasaribu, visited our Andersen Consult office in Aalborg. We discussed issues on how to work together to increase Danish focus on Indonesian business opportunities


Andersen Consult Newsletter Q1 2015

2015 is well under way and we are all busy. As usual, we started our year head on with business delegations and this time to Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar.


Nordjysk klynge om bord i endnu et land

Nordjyske skrev den 10. februar om det nordjyske virksomhedsnetværk, East Asia Frontier Network, etableret af Andersen Consult, som de seneste 10 år har bevist, at det godt kan betale sig for små og mellemstore virksomheder at samarbejde i klynger


Andersen Consult Newsletter December 2014

2014 is drawing to a close, and what a tremendous year it has been. From the very outset of the year, we have been busy with several delegations and partnership development activities.


Andersen Consult Brings Entrepreneurial Success to Asia

Recognising the vast investment opportunities in the growth economies of Asia and Africa, Andersen Consult serves as a gateway for Danish entrepreneurs seeking to establish successful and lasting businesses in these frontier markets.


Andersen Consult Newsletter October 2014

The last quarter of the year is traditionally busy in the project development consulting business. And, there is no difference in this situation in 2014.


Andersen Consult Newsletter August 2014

After simply a fantastic summer in Denmark, the engines are now back at full speed. At Andersen Consult we have conducted four delegations within the first six months of 2014, company record.



Danida, den danske ambassade i Jakarta og Andersen Consult inviterer hermed danske virksomheder med til ”Food & Agriculture-delegation 2014” i Indonesien.


Bangladesh Delegation 2014

Andersen Consult, Udenrigsministeriet og den danske ambassade i Bangladesh inviterer hermed danske virksomheder med til ”Green Growth-delegation 2014” i Bangladesh.


Nordjysk klynge på ordrejagt i Indonesien

Jakarta: Blot 35 danske virksomheder er ifølge Udenrigsministeriet lige nu registreret i Indonesien. Det lave tal skyldes for en stor dels vedkommende, at Indonesien først for nylig er kommet med i en ny dansk vækstplan for 10 udvalgte lande, herunder Kina, Indien, Sydkorea og Vietnam - og altså nu også Indonesien i den asiatiske del af strategien.


Danish Agriculture is Back in Thailand

In cooperation with Væksthus Midtjylland and honary Consul Stig Vagt Andersen, Andersen Consult completed an agricultural delegation to Thailand last week.


Andersen Consult Newsletter

2013 has in every respect been a fantastic year. Starting with our annual entrepreneur network programme, EAFC, visiting Myanmar in January with 21 participants, the basis for a number of exciting activities throughout the year was well kick started.


Nordjysk succes gennem Danida-samarbejde

Når Danmark støtter udviklingslande, skaber det også danske arbejdspladser. Nordjyske Stiftstidende bragte for nylig en artikel med fokus på nordjyske virksomheder, der har deltaget i Danida Business Partnerships.


Infrastructure boosts Indonesia competitiveness

The implementation of infrastructure projects planned by the government still need to be worked on, following the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) report published by the World Economic Forum stating that infrastructure in Indonesia is improving.


Student worker - Project Development

Andersen Consult is looking for a student worker interested in supporting our consultants with development of business projects on frontier markets.


New Dairy Network

Andersen Consult and Incubator Centre of Central Jutland invite Danish companies from Central Jutland within the dairy industry to participate in introduction meeting the 3 October 2013 of our newly established Dairy Technology Network.


Andersen Consult Newsletter

Andersen Consult has had a busy spring with many new projects and activities. We look forward to continue the positive progress after the summer break.


Nordjyske firmaer fisker markeder i Bangladesh

To små virksomheder fra Vendsyssel er på vej ud i et stort fiskeeventyr i Bangladesh. Rejer og pangasius-fisk skal med nordjydernes hjælp forvandles til værdifulde eksportvarer for de lokale producenter i Bangladesh.


Andersen Consult i spidsen for Bangladesh fremstød

Aalborg-virksomheden Andersen Consult står i spidsen, når en dansk erhvervsdelegation i den kommende uge drager til Bangladesh for at skabe flere partnerskaber mellem danske og lokale virksomheder.


World Bank: Africa's economic growth to outpace average

Economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa should significantly outpace the global average over the next three years, according to the World Bank.


Myanmar: Den sidste guldgrube lokker

Internationale og danske investorer gør klar til at indtage Myanmar/Burmas marked. Landet er stort, underudviklet og rummer betydelige ressourcer. Men hvordan sikres en retfærdig fordeling af den nye rigdom?


Eksportfokus - Det glemte ø-rige

Indonesien vil i løbet af få år have den største middelklasse i Asien efter Kina og Indien. Alligevel er landet kun nr. 60 på listen over danske eksportmarkeder.


Andersen Consult Newsletter

In this edition of the Andersen Consult Newsletter you can read about the East Asia Frontier Club's visit to Myanmar, Cleantech delegation to Bangladesh, Business delegation to Ghana and our new Project Management System.


Nordjyske virksomheder får ordrer i Afrika

En rejse til Kenya har givet nye ordrer og samarbejdsaftaler til en håndfuld nordjyske virksomheder.


Green Growth in Bangladesh

I samarbejde med Andersen Consult ApS inviterer Den Danske Ambassade i Dhaka din virksomhed til at deltage i en Grøn Vækst-delegation til Bangladesh.


Andersen Consult & “Growth Incubator North Jutland” business mission to Myanmar

The third week of January an 18 member delegation of SME entrepreneurs from Northern Jylland visited Yangoon to get a hands on impression of this new market.


Vietnams middelklasse vokser hastigt

De er unge, de er mange, og de er forbrugere i en grad, som knap fandtes i forældregenerationens drømme. Middelklassen i Vietnam sender salgstallene i vejret, og tendensen stopper ikke foreløbig.


Nordjyske virksomheder på jagt i Afrika

Afrika er mange steder udråbt som danske virksomheders næste store vækstmarked.


Andersen Consult Newsletter

In this edition of the Andersen Consult Newsletter you can read about our Project Highlights of 2012, New Market Entry, Business Delegations and New network focusing on Frontier Markets.


Andersen Consult assists in 3D Animation Program Project

TRUEMAX academy has launched a training program in 3D animation in cooperation with the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB). Andersen Consult assists in the development of the project.


Andersen Consult Newsletter

In this edition of the Andersen Consult Newsletter you can read about the new Burma Network, Latest news from Africa Frontier Group, Andersen Consults involvement in large pangasius filletting project in Bangladesh and much more.


På udkig efter nye markeder og vækstmuligheder inden for fødevareindustrien?

Mød potentielle forretningspartnere og hør om mulighederne for støtte til etablering af forretningssamarbejde når Danida den 13. – 15. november byder 17 virksomheder fra hele verden velkommen på FoodTech’12.


Myanmar Economics and Politics

In this issue of Thura NewsViews from Myanmar read about Politics, Infrastructure, Special Economic Zones and KPMGs openening in Myanmar.


Myanmar Economics and Politics

In this issue of Thura NewsViews from Myanmar read about Economy, Banking & Finance, Government & Legislation, Foreign Aid and Tenders.


Bulging in the middle

A boom in sub-Saharan Africa is attracting business talent from the rich world


Bangladesh - en ny tiger-økonomi?

En række asiatiske lande er klar til at udfordre Kina og Indien som Asiens absolutte vækstdynamoer. Indonesien, Malaysia og Filippinerne har længe stået klar i kulissen.


Danmark investerer kraftigt i Afrika

Danske investeringer i afrikanske lande er de seneste år vokset med milliarder af kroner. Det betyder en saltsvandsindsprøjtning til lande, som bevæger sig fra fattigdom mod middekklasse.


Aid at Work

Does aid create jobs? When and how does these jobs work? Are they sustainable? Do they promote development?


Network meeting - Africa Frontier Market Group

At the meeting, Deputy Police Commissioner Bjarne Askholm, who recently returned from deployment in East Africa, will tell us about his experiences and general conditions in East Africa.


Ghanas udenrigsminister i København

Ghanas udenrigsminister, Alhaji Muhammad Mumuni, besøgte Danmark den20.-21. august og mødtes med udenrigsminister Villy Søvndal og med udviklingsminister Christian Friis Bach.


Andersen Consult Newsletter

In the 2nd edition of Andersen Consult Newsletter you can read about our new service - Andersen Consult Advisory Board, status of Africa Frontier Market Group and Burma - the next Frontier Market?.


Det vietnamesiske marked for kommunikationsteknologi er i stærk vækst

Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi (ICT) er allerede i stærk vækst i Vietnam, og nu udpeger den vietnamesiske regering sektoren til særlig vækstsektor. Danske virksomheder har gode muligheder for at hægte sig på den positive udvikling.


Entreprenører vil være med fra start i Afrika

Andersen Consult har etableret et netværk for entreprenører med interesse i Afrika (Invester i Vækst - AFRIKA). Netværket er med til at styrke tilgangen til det afrikanske marked gennem deling af viden, erfaringer og udfordringer entreprenørerne imellem.


New company set up to make hydraulic machinery for vessels

Andersen Consult' customer, AS-SCAN, has recently formed partnership with Bengali company regarding production of hydraulic machinery for vessels, including ships, to reduce import dependence and to export in the future.


Business Delegation to Egypt

The Royal Danish Embassy om Cairo invites you to discover vast investment opportunities in the exciting country.


Danish Entrepreneurs visit Cambodia to explore market potential

Andersen Consult from Aalborg Denmark (new DTCC member) and admits travel arranged a successful business fact finding tour to Cambodia from 17 to 20 January 2012.


Opstartsmøde Invester i Vækst – AFRIKA

Går du med tankerne om at undersøge forretningsmuligheder i Afrika, eller er du allerede i gang med en internationaliseringsstrategi. Så har vi et tilbud, der har hjulpet mange virksomheder med at kvalitetssikre deres internationale projekter.


Outsourcing af dtp: Sådan holdes kvaliteten

NordPro Reklameproduktion ApS har outsourcet grafiske opgaver siden 2003 og har fundet sin egen opskrift på at holde et kvalitetsniveau, der kan sammenlignes med det danske.


Andersen Consult Newsletter

In the first edition of Andersen Consult Newsletter you can read about the EAFC Network trip to Cambodia, introduction of new employee and the status of Invest in Growth – Africa network.


Vietnam average monthly wage rises

The average monthly wage in Vietnam increased 19.6 percent to VND 3.84 million (US5) last year, according to the labor ministry.


Referat: Invester i Vækst – AFRIKA

Netværksdeltagelse er en god måde hvorpå man kan imødese udfordringer med en vis ballast, da man vil have en række ligestillede parter, at drøfte sagerne med. Dermed har man mulighed for tidligt i et projektforløb, at tackle diverse problemstillinger konstruktivt.


Tanzania Business Development Profile

Tanzania as part of the East African community is fast becoming a regional strategic foreign investment destination as a result of the expanded market.


Bistand og Business på spirende vækstmarkeder

Den 16. og 17. januar inviterer Udenrigsministeriet, i samarbejde med en række erhvervsorganisationer, til to dialogmøder om forretningsmulighederne på nye og spirende vækstmarkeder.


Har du overvejet Afrika som dit næste marked?

Afrika er som verdens anden største kontinent et gigantisk marked og vækstøkonomi, og der er stor efterspørgsel på gode løsninger uanset branche. Nordjyske entreprenører er underrepræsenteret, vær med til at ændre statistikken!


Want to Know More?

Interested in knowing more about your international business opportunities? How to identify and start up new export channels? How to finance your project? Contact us by clicking the button below.