Another successful business delegation completed by Andersen Consult

2017 kickstarted with a strong business delegation program

This year was initiated with an exiting lineup of Andersen Consult Business Delegations - the first delegation took place in Vietnam in the second week of January 2017 and is now successfully completed. We also received a respectful visit from the Danish ambassador to Vietnam, Charlotte Laursen, who, on the first day of the delegation, provided the delegation's participants with a short introduction to the Vietnamese market and its business climate.

We effectively managed to produce a positive outcome as all the Danish participants were able to engage with local companies with the majority now looking to do business with a Vietnamese partner or company. The ones that did not succeed in finding a local business match during the delegation still gained valuable experience and knowhow in relation to doing business in Vietnam - and still has the possibility of following up on potential partners once back in Denmark.

Andersen Consult B2B match-making event

On the 10th of January Andersen Consult and The Ho Chi Minh City Investment and Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC) joined forces to host a B2B match-making event with the aim to facilitate collaboration between Danish and Vietnamese companies. The result was very positive and the local news, The Voice of Vietnam, even published an article about the event with statements from various attendees. The deputy director of Dong Phong Medical Company, Mr. Pham Thi Thu Huong, validated the quality of Danish medical machinery and explicitly expressed enthusiasm towards aquatic processing equipment being able to live up to the highest global standards.

Read the full article published by The Voice of Vietnam HERE

Andersen Consult is able to aid you in your next export endeavour - contact us today to learn more.




Vellykket landeseminar om Vietnam med DASN

Dansk-Asiatisk SMV Netværk havde et brag af et landeseminar i sidste uge. En helt masse dygtige virksomheder var mødt op til landeseminar om Vietnam.


A Conversation with President Obama

Repræsentanter fra Andersen Consults Asiengruppe deltog i ”A conversation with President Obama” i Skive


Besøg af Marokkos Ambassadør til Danmark i Aalborg

Aalborg var tirsdag den 7. juni vært ved Marokkos ambassadør til Danmark, hendes Excellence Ambassadør Khadija Rouissi.

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