Suppliers on

Showing 1-10 out of 65


STENA Recycling A/S

Stena Recycling er Nordens førende genvindingsvirksomhed, og i Danmark har vi 18 filialer fordelt over hele landet. Hver eneste filial tilbyder forskellige løsning og håndterer forskellige affaldstyper med henblik på genanvend...

Website: Industry: Other / Green Technologies

Alex Lassen

Filialchef - STENA Recycling A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


SST Enclosures A/S

SST Enclosures er specialister i at designe og producere kapslinger i rustfrit stål, der kan anvendes til en lang række formål inden for industrien. Kapslingerne har til formål at beskytte følsomt og kritisk udstyr mod det om...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Ronni Schøler Mølving

Salgschef & Partner - SST Enclosures A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”



Technicon leverer komplette automationsløsninger på tværs af mange industrier. Vi har ekstra fokus på fleksibel automation, som sikrer korte omstillingstider og øgede samarbejdsmuligheder mellem robotter og mennesker. Vi leve...

Website: Industry: Medico & Health Care / Manufacturing & Design / Automation & Robotics

Mads Sigsgaard

Key Account Manager - TECHNICON A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


Phidan Engineering ApS

Phidan blev stiftet af Kim Krongaard i 2013. Phidan udgør et ungt team bestående af tre dedikerede ingeniører, Kim (indehaver), Thomas og Niels, der alle har rødder i mekanikerfaget, som de drager stor nytte af i deres nye vir...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Kim Krongaard

Owner - Phidan Engineering ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”



TG-CLEAN A/S er et danskejet firma med handel i Danmark, Grønland, Færøerne, Sverige og Island. Et utraditionelt handelskoncept har medført, at vi siden etableringen i februar 2001, er blevet flere virksomheder, og offentlige ...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Other / Sanitation & Clean-Tech

Jan Lee Andersen

Salgschef - TG-CLEAN A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network”


Glova Rail A/S

Glova Rails mission is to offer a range of products characterized by superior design solutions, simple and maintenance friendly functions, and a never compromised quality that ensures the product’s reliable durability. Continuou...

Website: Industry: Transport & Logistics / Other / Export

Emil Pepin

International Market Developer - Glova Rail A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


HOLTEC Automatic A/S

Holtec Automatic A/S designs, manufactures and installs complete electro-technical solutions. Holtec Automatic A/S develops and integrates controls and software, and we conduct electro-technical automation projects in a variety...

Website: Industry: Automation & Robotics / Export

Bruno Engelbrektsen

Sales Manager - HOLTEC Automatic A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network”


ab Aluminium A/S

UDVIKLING, BEARBEJDNING & PRODUKTION AF HØJT FORÆDLEDE PRODUKTER I ALUMINIUM ab Aluminium producerer til en lang række brancher. Lige fra komponenter til fly, robotindustrien, rehab branchen, brugskunst og til vindmøller. ...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Export

Kaare Holt Jakobsen

Salgsingeniør - ab Aluminium A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


Curia Aalborg ApS

Curia er en landsdækkende rekrutteringsvirksomhed med kontorer i Aarhus, Aalborg og København. Vi har i løbet af de seneste 25 år rekrutteret tusindvis af kandidater, og vi står som en aldeles stærk samarbejdspartner til rek...

Website: Industry: Advisory & Consulting

Rikke Emdal

Chefkonsulent - Curia Aalborg ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


CEJN Danmark ApS

CEJN findes overalt i verden, og vi er stolte over at have ry for at være den førende globale specialist inden for lynkoblinger. Innovation, ydeevne, sikkerhed og bæredygtighed Vores lynkoblingsløsninger, slange- og kabelr...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Other / Tools & Machinery / Green Technologies

Claus Buus

Area Sales Manager - CEJN Danmark ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”

Easy access to B2B opportunities. Distance is no hindrance for developing businesses across borders. Take part in a multicultural community of active companies searching for business partners and market networking between Denmark and emerging markets. Reach out and develop your business online, identify business partners, engage in business networking, expand your existing market or get to know how a new market works. Take off from your desk.


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