Suppliers on

Showing 1-10 out of 32


Maskinfabrikken ESKO A/S

Maskinfabrikken Esko producerer kundespecifikke komponenter og maskindele samt udfører montage, reparationer og service på anlæg inden for en række brancher. Vi råder over en omfattende og moderne maskinpark, så vi kan ud...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Elsebeth Stampe Damgaard

Sales Manager - Maskinfabrikken ESKO A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”



TRECO - your supplier of turn key solutions in stainless steel. TRECO A/S is a production and service oriented company specialized in sheet metal and pipe processing since 1992. The TRECO Turn Key concept rests on idea dev...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Preben Pedersen

Owner - TRECO A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B


Advantis A/S

Advantis er en ingeniør- og udviklingsvirksomhed, som leverer konsulentydelser, rådgivning og totalløsninger. Vi har eksperter, der kan hjælpe med at sætte gang i jeres automatiseringsprojekt og jeres optimering af udvikli...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Kim Jensen

CEO & Partner - Advantis A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


JGI Trading & Consult ApS

Din forlængede arm i industrien med assistance indenfor salg og indkøb samt optimering af lager og produktion. Vi hjælper bl.a. med speciallavede hjul samt CNC-Bearbjedede komponenter og laserskårne emner i alle materialetyper...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Jesper Guldbæk Iversen

Indehaver - JGI Trading & Consult ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


Dancutter A/S

DANCUTTER IS A DANISH MANUFACTURER AND SERVICE COMPANY With focus on development and sales of cutter solutions over the last 30 years, Dancutter is encountering increasing demand for effective, intelligent and user-friendly sol...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Lars Stenberg

CEO - Dancutter A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B


CG Solutions Co Ltd (Kubikle)

Kubikle is a manufacturer of acoustic meeting rooms and micro accommodation rooms. We specialise in the supply of sleep pods, micro rooms for the budget hotel industry, meeting rooms, and phone booths for offices. We are located ...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Knud Clausen

Managing Director - CG Solutions Co Ltd (Kubikle)

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”To expand my professional network”


VN Steel ApS

Din samarbejdspartner indenfor Smede- og stålarbejde med speciale i produktion af stålkonstruktioner, trapper, altaner, bygningsstål og smedearbejde i øvrigt samt produktion af stålprodukter til vindmølleindustrien.

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Allan Trip Nielsen

CEO og ejer - VN Steel ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S

Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trawldoors for the global fishing industry. Thyborøn Trawldoors are used by fishermen from all over the world for all different kinds of pelagic, semi-...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Lars Andreasen

CEO & Owner - Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B


Phidan Engineering ApS

Phidan blev stiftet af Kim Krongaard i 2013. Phidan udgør et ungt team bestående af tre dedikerede ingeniører, Kim (indehaver), Thomas og Niels, der alle har rødder i mekanikerfaget, som de drager stor nytte af i deres nye vir...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Kim Krongaard

Owner - Phidan Engineering ApS

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


VARO Specialmaskiner A/S

DANISH ENGINEERING - WORLD-CLASS SOLUTIONS VARO udvikler og fremstiller udstyr, der optimerer vores kunders produktion. Vi tilbyder både special- og standardmaskiner og kan hjælpe med alt fra enkeltmaskiner til komplekse pro...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design

Michael Andersen

Sales Director, Europe - VARO Specialmaskiner A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”

Easy access to B2B opportunities. Distance is no hindrance for developing businesses across borders. Take part in a multicultural community of active companies searching for business partners and market networking between Denmark and emerging markets. Reach out and develop your business online, identify business partners, engage in business networking, expand your existing market or get to know how a new market works. Take off from your desk.


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