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AEA er din professionelle sparringspartner og projektleder indenfor bæredygtige og miljørigtige anlæg til din energiproduktion AEA er din totalentreprenør med speciale i projektering og etablering af unikke fjernvarme- og k...
Website: Industry: Green Technologies
Lars Kjeldsen
Teknisk salg - Aktive Energi Anlæg A/S
Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”
Som den største udbyder af plasthalvfabrikata i Danmark er RIAS A/S leverandør til alle grene af industrien, byggeriet og den offentlige sektor. Vi har desuden betydelige aktiviteter i det øvrige Skandinavien. Plast indga?r ...
Website: Industry: Green Technologies
Lars Vollmers
Salgschef - RIAS A/S
Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”
Rokkedahl-Energi is a Danish FarmTech company with a market leading ventilation system designed for sustainable animal breeding units of all sizes - complete with state of the art heat exchangers and high quality LED luminaries. R...
Website: Industry: Green Technologies
Anja Moller
CEO - Rokkedahl Energi ApS
Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network”
Advantis er en ingeniør- og udviklingsvirksomhed, som leverer konsulentydelser, rådgivning og totalløsninger. Vi har eksperter, der kan hjælpe med at sætte gang i jeres automatiseringsprojekt og jeres optimering af udvikli...
Website: Industry: Green Technologies
Kim Jensen
CEO & Partner - Advantis A/S
Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”
Windpal is an international consortium of leading European experts working within the windpower industry in Asia. We specialize in integrated turn-key solutions during project development phase, across its construction phase and ...
Website: Industry: Green Technologies
Peter Skou
Managing Director Denmark branch - Windpal
Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”
CEJN findes overalt i verden, og vi er stolte over at have ry for at være den førende globale specialist inden for lynkoblinger. Innovation, ydeevne, sikkerhed og bæredygtighed Vores lynkoblingsløsninger, slange- og kabelr...
Website: Industry: Green Technologies
Claus Buus
Area Sales Manager - CEJN Danmark ApS
Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”
Stena Recycling er Nordens førende genvindingsvirksomhed, og i Danmark har vi 18 filialer fordelt over hele landet. Hver eneste filial tilbyder forskellige løsning og håndterer forskellige affaldstyper med henblik på genanvend...
Website: Industry: Green Technologies
Mikkel Rosenberg Højland
Regional Account Manager - STENA Recycling A/S
Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”
AS FRIIS LTD er løsningsleverandør til oversvømmelsesbeskyttelse, ren luft, luftrensning til industrikøkkener, industriel luftrensning, desinfektionssystemer, vandopbevaring og lugtkontrolsystemer til spildevand, bygninger og ...
Website: Industry: Green Technologies
Henrik Friis
Direktør - AS FRIIS LTD.
Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Søge nye kunder, Søge nye leverandører, Søge nye samarbejdspartnere, Udvide mit professionelle netværk, Sparring og inspiration baseret på andres erfaringer, Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”
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