Suppliers on

Showing 21-30 out of 60



TRECO - your supplier of turn key solutions in stainless steel. TRECO A/S is a production and service oriented company specialized in sheet metal and pipe processing since 1992. The TRECO Turn Key concept rests on idea dev...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Other / Tools & Machinery / Construction & Buildings / Export

Preben Pedersen

Owner - TRECO A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B


Scan-Shipping Vietnam Company Limited.

Scan-Shipping was founded in 1969 and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark with additional offices in Scandinavia, Europe, North America and Asia. The group’s initial focus and business was the representation of shipping line...

Website: Industry: Transport & Logistics

Soeren Juelsbak

Country Manager - Scan-Shipping Vietnam Company Limited.

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”



Windpal is an international consortium of leading European experts working within the windpower industry in Asia. We specialize in integrated turn-key solutions during project development phase, across its construction phase and ...

Website: Industry: Renewable Energy / Green Technologies

Peter Skou

Managing Director Denmark branch - Windpal

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”



282 ÅRS ANCIENNITET INDENFOR HYDRAULIK Det får du hos os allerede fra første kontakt. Hydra-Comp er en kvalitetsbevidst hydraulikproducent, som har hovedsæde i Skive, og en afdeling i Kolding. Siden 2001 har Hydra-Comp udv...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Tools & Machinery / Food & Food Processing / Green Technologies

Jesper Frederiksen

Medejer, Salgs- og indkøbschef - HYDRA-COMP A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new suppliers, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


TurnTech A/S

TurnTech A/S er en moderne industrivirksomhed, der forarbejder mekaniske komponenter til større produktionsvirksomheder i industrien. Vi repræsenterer den gode kombination af kvalitets-håndværk og moderne teknologi. Produkt...

Website: Industry: Manufacturing & Design / Food & Food Processing

Søren Rytter

CEO og ejer - TurnTech A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


Aller Aqua A/S

Aller Aqua produce fish feed for freshwater and saltwater aquaculture. That is the brief presentation, but it doesn’t even come close to covering the entire story. Aller Aqua is a family owned company with roots tracing back mor...

Website: Industry: Fishing Technology / Food & Food Processing / Export

Ole Haubro

Sales Director - Aller Aqua A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new collaborating partner(s)”


Ampliqon A/S

Ampliqon A/S is a Danish manufacturer of DNA polymerases, PCR products and customized laboratory reagents. Ampliqon produces high quality DNA polymerases and PCR reagents intended for routine PCR, real time PCR and high fideli...

Website: Industry: Medico & Health Care / Other / Export

Helle N. Thestrup

Owner - Ampliqon A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B


Spar Nord Leasing

Spar Nord Leasing har gennem en årrække specialiseret sig i at udarbejde leasingløsninger, der matcher virksomhedernes specifikke behov. Herunder leasing inden for bl.a. industriudstyr, transportudstyr, entreprenørmateriel, pr...

Website: Industry: Tools & Machinery / Financing & Funding

Jonas Klitgaard

Kundechef - Spar Nord Leasing

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”


HOLTEC Automatic A/S

Holtec Automatic A/S designs, manufactures and installs complete electro-technical solutions. Holtec Automatic A/S develops and integrates controls and software, and we conduct electro-technical automation projects in a variety...

Website: Industry: Automation & Robotics / Export

Bruno Engelbrektsen

Sales Manager - HOLTEC Automatic A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network”


Evolution360 A/S

Prisvenlig B2B lead-løsning for virksomheder i alle størrelser og budgetter. Prioritér outbound salg baseret på besøgsinteresse og købsparathed. Hver dag er der virksomheder, som besøger jeres website, men måske ikke ful...

Website: Industry: Other / PR & Marketing

Henrik Kristiansen

Partner, Founder - Evolution360 A/S

Main reason of joining AndersenB2B
”Find new clients, Find new collaborating partner(s), To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience”

Easy access to B2B opportunities. Distance is no hindrance for developing businesses across borders. Take part in a multicultural community of active companies searching for business partners and market networking between Denmark and emerging markets. Reach out and develop your business online, identify business partners, engage in business networking, expand your existing market or get to know how a new market works. Take off from your desk.


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